Established in 1962, The Sign of the Skier has offered 63 years of dedicated service to our wonderful customers.
After exploring a variety of options for the continuation of ‘The Sign’, Paul and I have decided we will be closing the business and retiring at the end of this winter season.
We would like to thank you for your support and inspiration which has made this journey so rewarding and worthwhile.
During this final chapter, all items from our carefully curated collections will be offered at discounted prices.
We thank you sincerely.
Bonnie and Paul
We hand pick the best solutions to take your winter experience to the next level.
For years, Toronto families have trusted us for our superior customer service, quality brands and convenient one stop shopping. Our knowledgeable staff will ensure you find a style that’s absolutely perfect for you.
You will find many of our items on this website, however, we have many more in stock and available through custom order.
Great Brands We Carry
What our customers are saying
“You guys are stars!! Thank you so much for your good vision and foresight. I love the jacket. Rosie can’t lose me now.”
“I cannot express how much I appreciate the care and detail which you put into your answer to my questions. Your answers were as clear as clear can be!”